What is information technology?
Technology development is the first communitions of the network for a all
the government and the private sector and office, database safeguarding and all
the information administrative agencies created on database on a country’s and
manages administrative functions Power and Duties. The people’s and all
information in our country electronic safeguarding with the enemy.
The provides electronic security and all storage database on created and managed computer employees on the Private sector and Government office information on security analyst network’s rang security with database.
The helpful government and the Private sector and office on security to all information cybersecurity, cyberattacks,etc. Ensures to the problem solved with their administrative agencies created on database on a country’s and manages administrative functions Power and Duties. The people’s and all information collected from in our country.
The safeguarding with the enemy range and all devices blocked with their computer and all the devices created on safeguarding on country.
The communication between of technology (ICTS) is a broader approach for a term for a all information technology level and leading information Technology (IT) which refers to all batar communications systems of Technologies add.